Headache, Migraine and Candida
One good doctor described headache to me as a glass with several layers in it including, allergies, diet, acute illnesses, lack of certain minerals, stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, hunger, caffeine withdrawal, weather changes, wrong eyeglasses. Under normal circumstances you have no headache but once one of the layers gets too much, you end up with a headache.
One of the not so often thought about but nevertheless common reason may be a Candida overgrowth in your body. One study found that nearly 16% of migraine sufferers in the study had yeast infections.
Also, Candida is one of the long-term infections that affect immunity, which in turn can give you headaches. Worth taking into consideration. To have more science, of those migraine and other headache sufferers who have had effective Candida treatment, over 85% of patients find that headaches either disappear completely or are much reduced within five days of starting treatment.
Treating Candida is quite a matter, you need to deepen yourself into it but it will not disappear by itself.
There are a lot of methods available for that, supplements, antifungals, herbs etc but only thing that cures Candida overgrowth long term is sugar free diet: many people struggle with adapting to that for years and keep succeeding and lapsing.
My business is to help you to bring this transformation about within three months and after that you are well on your way to practice it for the rest of your life. Have a look at the possibilities here.