3 Reasons Why Coffee Does Not Fit In the Candida Diet

I'm craving coffee with a cake! And I have been told not to do that!

If you are advised to follow the Candida elimination diet to feel better again, it is hard to swallow. Your trusted coffee with a cake does not fit in the Candida Diet, let’s see why not.

That dark brown stuff with the name coffee is addictive tasty. We drink it as a boost. To wake up. Or to stay that way during a long drive. A cup of comfort. A break. Because it is nice to drink together. Or because it is simply delicious ... Coffee is in the daily routine of many people. The fact that it is not Candidaproof makes it well, a pity!

The process that coffee goes through before it is in your cup is that first the seeds of the coffee plant, called coffee beans, are harvested, dried in the sun and then roasted. When roasting, the beans are roasted with a little oil until they get the right color. Roasting makes food taste better, but it also creates numerous chemicals in the process. This is the biggest reason why coffee does not fit in the Candida elimination diet.: it is roasted! Those chemicals do not help you to heal your body, on the contrary, in and of themselves they can be quite toxic.

The goal of the Candida elimination diet is quite simple: restore your intestinal flora to a good balance of bacteria and yeasts. Your immune system is strengthened by a healthy intestinal flora, so that disease will not get a hold there.

Your liver helps with this as a sort of waste burner and eliminates all waste. The more waste in your body, the harder your liver has to work. Important to know: a hard-working liver makes you tired, you would rather not have that. For a healthy gut and properly functioning immune system you prefer not to put chemicals in your body. Like the ones that roasted coffee beans bring.

The second reason to replace the coffee with, for example, herbal tea, is that coffee can hinder the functioning of homeopathic remedies. Do you take supplements to increase your resistance? Did your therapist prescribe you homeopathic remedies to support your organs or improve your digestion? Drinking coffee does not work these resources for you. That is a waste of money.

And finally: if you have sensitive intestines, coffee can damage the mucous membrane of your intestines and stomach, so that your digestion is not working well, and your stomach can protest.

If you notice that you have little energy and increase your concentration with the caffeine in the coffee, then you probably notice that you need more and more cups of coffee to feel "good". Your body (and head) becomes dependent on it. It may take some getting used to, but with a healthy diet, sufficient exercise and a good sleep you are ultimately better off.

Coffee is just one of the things that you better replace with something that is Candidaproof. Do you want to get to know all the rules of the Candida diet? In the Candida coaching program, you learn everything you need to know to get your health back on track and also, how to keep it like that for the rest of your life. Does this sound interesting to you? Request a free Candida interview to find out if this program suits you.


Clover, an Unassuming Helper


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